(495)Dr. Lusine
23Мар-13Апр 2010, Галерея Агора, Нью Йорк
1-31Май 2010, Галерея Фридрихс, Берлин
1-16Сен 2010, Центр Искусства, Афины
21Сен-4Окт 2010, Галерея Брик Лейн, Лондон
"... Breitscheidel creates intricate figure paintings that suggest a new, postmodern species of Art Nouveau..." Flynn M., Facets and Faces of German Art Today, Gallery and Studio Journal, New York, USA, February-March 2010, pp. 9,23
"...perceives things beyond what the eye sees ..." ARTisSpectrum Journal, New York, USA, May 2010, p.58